Game Where the Baby Tries to Kill Itself

We played a game that pits a suicidal babe against a protective parent


Who'south Your Daddy is a inexpensive online game for two players. Ane player is a daddy, the other is a baby. Daddy'southward job is to protect the baby from impairment for a few minutes. Baby's job is to crawl around and kill itself as apace as possible. Simply to repeat that: the baby wins by dying.

The game takes place in a two-storey house with several rooms (kitchen, bath, living room, bedroom) and players switch roles subsequently each round. James and Chris L. played several rounds together. The rest of this will be their thoughts and gifs, many of which—fair warning—characteristic a low polygon infant dying horribly.

It's finer a super dark spin on the struggle as a parent to keep an baby safe from the endless dangers that sally from otherwise harmless domestic settings, while playing equally the baby is an exaggerated riff on the curiosity of infancy. It's exceptionally lightheaded, though certainly bound to make some uncomfortable, as we've warned. Absolutely, we laughed quite a bit.

Handsome Baby

Chris L: Can I start past proverb the babe is really pretty terrifying, slithering around like some kinda nightmare monster? It can briefly dart, also, and when gross things move quickly information technology somehow makes them grosser. It is non a creature yous instinctively want to salve. Which is mayhap a good thing, because you're going to watch it die horribly over and over once again.

James D: The baby'due south bulging eyes and broken cervix certainly assist dehumanize information technology, simply I also feel less human after playing an 60 minutes or and so.

Chris L: Dad is no picnic, either. When he crouches his legs just retract up into his torso. Maybe the twist is that this game takes identify in Hell or on an alien planet.

Sink Battle

Chris L: As an eagle-eyed dad, I couldn't help but notice Baby James had leapt into the bath sink, turned on the faucet, and begun drowning himself. Afterwards some fumbling, I managed to plough the faucet off, but Baby James had other ideas. Thus began a sink battle. A battle taking place in a sink.

James D: This babe has hops. Turns out a trash bin was piece of cake access to the sink, and with dad transfixed on his own lifeless gaze in the mirror, I proceeded to make myself lifeless via tap water. I'm not really sure what was going on on Dad Chris'south end, just I virtually drowned myself earlier the click battle began. It was really a pretty intense moment. I had Tom Marks watching over my shoulder, auspicious on infanticide while I watched the light-green circle (my life bar) deplete.

Chris L: I just couldn't click the tap properly. I was too tense and I kept missing. When you quickly turned it on and then off, resulting in me trying to turn it off but then turning information technology on... it was a clever and tenacious move past a baby with a desperate death wish.

James D: While the click battle over turning the sink on and off was fairly chaotic, information technology was actually pretty fun trying to anticipate Dad Chris'southward clicks. Trading clicks is the offset instinct, but stopping suddenly in the pattern tin really trick the other player into clicking again, turning the faucet against their favor. My tiny infant hands and heed couldn't handle the (water) pressure, so Dad Chris took this one. Tom Marks was very disappointed that the baby didn't dice.

Lost Baby

Chris L: While it's a bit grim to see a baby execute itself, it's also sort of funny? Kind of? I dunno. Possibly because the game's graphics and animations are completely unconvincing, it's sort of not a big deal watching a baby die. The horror mainly comes from feeling that y'all should feel more horrified. I did find several moments of genuine terror, though, on the occasions I completely and utterly lost sight of Baby James. I'd looked away for a few moments and suddenly realized I had no idea where he was. He could be inches from his death and I couldn't find him! Information technology was a genuinely awful, panicky feeling, somehow worse than watching him climb into an oven and endeavor to cook himself. Which he virtually did several times.

James D: Stealth infant is a legitimate strat. Well, almost. The house is pretty small at this point. There are several locked doors that will eventually be opened upwards and filled with more infant death traps, only right now information technology's difficult to lose the baby for likewise long. Still, I managed to hide behind the toy box long enough for Pappy Chris to lose me. I felt pretty empowered watching him panic, and the jerky movements of the simple character models gave his rush between rooms a natural urgency. I tried to make a break for a nearby fork or hammer, merely came upward empty. Crawling is slow and those daddy long legs didn't accept long to detect me. Here'due south to hoping for more ways to hide in the final version.

Java Tabular array

Chris 50: Don't blame Daddy James for this 1. Nosotros were in a truce: nosotros'd institute a key in the house and were wandering around trying to figure out (unsuccessfully) what it unlocked. Anyway, while James was futilely clicking doors upstairs I found a hammer and wanted to see if I could use it to blast the glass coffee table (I could) then I tried to see if I could eat behemothic shards of glass (I could) and if that would kill me (information technology did). It was a cheap play on my part. I betrayed James' trust and forced him to watch me dice from drinking glass.

James D: Curiosity killed a whole bunch of things, turns out. A practiced portion of our time was spent dashing effectually the environment as baby and homo, attempting to apply items on doors, glass, and each other. (The baby can grab a knife and slash with right click. Patricide update coming presently?) There were pills hiding effectually the environment, which I think permit the dad slow the infant's poison condition. At that place'southward that key, which nosotros thought unlocked doors only might actually lock cabinets. Point is, at that place'south a lot to experiment with. How balanced is information technology? Well, non very, only most of the fun was in the discovery of a new manner to die as a baby or hamper baby death as a daddy. With more rooms, items, dangers, and counters, the game could function as something super comedic and playful, but maintain a competitive edge. That said, if this game gets an esports following, I don't call back I can be a part of this manufacture anymore.

Smouldering Babe

Chris Fifty: Baby can pick up objects like forks and knives and jam them into electrical sockets for a quick death. Daddy can catch things out of Baby's easily and effort to put them out of attain. I besides found a box of outlet covers, which tin be used to nullify that means of death, though there are what feels like dozens of outlets in that house. In fact, while I was walking effectually plugging up outlets all I could think was "I wish my firm had this many outlets." My house has similar four outlets. I'd happily let a infant dice if it meant I had more places to plug stuff in.

James D: At that place are a ton of outlets. At that place are also a ton of forks on the floor. Pre-smouldering baby, information technology's a fun juggling mechanic. As Daddy, you lot're keeping track of the baby's whereabouts, scanning the floor for knives and forks, and if the baby picks one upwardly and dash to the nearest outlet, it's an intense race to snatch the utensil from the babe's surprisingly deft hands before, well. Aye. 'Winning.'

Chris L.: The trouble with snatching a weapon from Baby is that y'all take to discover someplace to put information technology, and dropping it on a high shelf or table is a pretty clumsy affair. There's one shelf in the closet that babe can't achieve and then it gets stacked with bottles of bleach and various weapons as the game goes on. Information technology's also a niggling alarming to look up at a looming Daddy and see him belongings a knife. Then you remember that as a Baby it's your job—nay, duty—to impale yourself. Daddy won't stab you.

Trash Dimension

Chris Fifty: James The Baby somehow dove into a trash can and I heard faint crunching sounds emanating from inside. He was eating trash. I don't have a baby in real life just I do accept a dog and and so seeing something I love consume dangerous garbage isn't actually a new sight for me.

James D: Eating trash is pretty natural to me, so I just hopped into the garbage out of habit. What ensued from my perspective was pretty psychedelic. Once poisoned, the baby'south vision goes haywire, warping in and out of color negatives. In the trash, I experienced the game's wonky collision and physics while dying, and started to panic. I could run into the ceiling, glimpses of Pappy Chris, and suddenly didn't want to eat anymore trash or be in that stinky can. Every bit artistically minimal every bit Who's Your Daddy seems, it'due south total of intense surges of emotion. Probably a outcome of the 1997 graphics confronting the sick context. Phew.

Chris Fifty: What was more disturbing for you lot, being a dying baby, or watching a babe die while being a dad?

James D: I recollect being the dad was more intense, but I only felt really disturbed after the fact, usually when the baby won. The camera does a slow rotation around the infant'south body, and even though it's pretty cartoony, once the action settles and y'all start to realize your laughing out loud in an office of professionals at a baby that just ate ten batteries, it's hard not to feel, well, off.

Chris L: Yeah. And we both all of a sudden realized we'd had plenty baby death at the verbal same time. Watching the camera spin around a expressionless baby and information technology was like, "Are yous done? I recall I'm done."

Batteries are OP

Chris L: We had to come to an understanding most the batteries under the sink. There are a bunch of them that Baby tin apace eat and die from, and Daddy (equally far as I tin tell) can but option them upwardly one at a time. Nosotros decided that batteries were way OP 'cuz Baby could eat them and hands win every time. Batteries need a nerf if this is gonna be an esport.

James D: The developers of this game need to take a long difficult look in the mirror and call back well-nigh how OP batteries really are. It'south a shame, actually, to see such obvious competitive imbalance in a videogame in 2016. For crying out loud.


Chris L: Dad tin put toys in a toy chest, and upon successful completion of this task is granted Batman-like detective vision, which allows him to see objects through walls and doors. Thing is, putting the toys away gives Babe aplenty time to kill himself, so I don't encounter this as a winning strategy. Your best motion is to hover effectually Baby at all times and grab everything he picks upwards.

James D: Yes, I'thousand into the idea, but the job takes too long without much payoff. Maybe make it involve fewer toys so you can accomplish information technology with a bit of risk, just non and then much that the babe drinks all the bleach instantly. Mayhap give the dad a chore for every room, too. In the kitchen, make dinner to get an particular that cures poison, or do laundry to increase speed. Who knows? Just give me more than Dad powers.

Chris 50: At that place should mayhap be a single-utilise item Dad tin can use to boring the baby downward and then he has more than time to tidy upward. Like a taser. I presume people use tasers to calm their babies down? I'thou not an expert, here. No, similar, maybe a pacifier you tin can jam in the infant's oral cavity which makes him move more slowly for a bit, or renders him unable to chug Windex for a infinitesimal.

James D: A taser sounds good.

Chris L: Tom Marks would probably like to see a baby get tasered.


Chris L: There is a giant floppy dildo in the game.

James D: There sure is.


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